sleepwalking lirik sleepwalking lirik Sleepwalking Lyrics · Your eyes are swallowing me. Mirrors start to whisper, shadows start to sing · My skin's smothering me. Help me find a way to breathe Dan berikut ini lirik lagu Sleepwalking dari Bring Me The Horizon. Lirik Lagu Sleepwalking. My secrets are burning a hole through my heart
sleepwalking lirik And my secrets are burning a hole through my heart. And my bones catch a fever. When it cuts you this deep. It's hard to find a way to breathe. Lirik Sleepwalking – Bring Me The Horizon dan Terjemahan · Rahasiaku membakar lubang di hatiku. Dan tulangku terkena demam · Matamu menelanku.
sleepwalking lirik Lirik Lagu Sleepwalking dan Terjemahan karya James Arthur But do I ever cross your mind? Tapi pernahkah aku terlintas dalam benakmu? But do Sleepwalking | James Arthur · You've brought the sun, and I've brought the moonlight. Kau membawa mentari, dan aku membawa sinar rembulan · Always, always. Selalu