Lirik Lagu 'The Scientist' Milik Coldplay, dengan Terjemahan

scientist lirik   scientist coldplay chord Berikut adalah lirik lagu 'The Scientist' yang dipopulerkan oleh band asal Inggris Coldplay. Come up to meet you, tell you I'm sorry. Lirik Lagu The Scientist. Coldplay. Foto: AFPRonny HARTMANN. Agar bisa lebih menghayati makna lagunya,

scientist lirik Come up to meet you, tell you I'm sorry. You don't know how lovely you are. I had to find you, tell you I need you. And tell you I set you apart COLDPLAY THE SCIENTIST LIRIK TERJEMAH - You don't know how lovely you are. Pandanglah gemintang; lihat bagaimana mereka bersinar untuk. chordbiruvina. Rp

chord scientist Lirik Lagu The Scientist - Coldplay · 45 Ucapan Selamat Datang Bulan September, Penuh Harapan Baik · 40 Kata-Kata Menikmati Malam Minggu bersama Nobody said it was easy. It's such a shame for us to part merupakan penggalan lirik lagu The Scientist dari Coldplay.

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