nonton film fast and furious 6 nonton film fast and furious 6 Since Dom (Vin Diesel) and Brian's (Paul Walker) heist in Rio left them and their crew very rich people, they've scattered across the globe; however, they must still live as fugitives, unable to return home to their families. Meanwhile, Agent Hobbs (Dwayne Johnson) has been tracking a gang of lethally skilled mercenary drivers whose second-in-command is someone Dom knows. Unable to take them down himself, Hobbs asks Dom and his crew for help in exchange for full pardons for everyone. - Since Dom (Vin Diesel) and Brian's (Paul Walker) heist in Rio left them and their crew very rich people, they've scattered across the globe; however, they must still live as fugitives, unable to return home to their families. Meanwhile, Agent Hobbs (Dwayne Johnson) has been tracking a gang of lethally skilled mercenary drivers whose second-in-command is someone Dom knows. Unable to take them down himself, Hobbs asks Dom and his crew for help in exchange for full pardons for everyone. -
nonton film qodrat gw kangen banget nonton film tema mobil, balapan, kek Fast Furious, NFS ... original Fast & Furious 6 (disebut juga Fast Six atau Furious Six) adalah film laga tahun 2013 yang ditulis oleh Chris Morgan dan disutradarai Justin Lin.ram Group : https
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