Acha Septriasa Ft. Irwansyah My Heart Chord Gampang

my heart chord   my heart chord Play along with original audio My Heart Tab Acha Septriasa. Lihat Cara Tukar Chord/Key Bm Bb_F# Em6 G#_E Dm6 G_D# Bbm6 F#_D Cm6 D# E----x----6-----x----4-----x----3-----x-----2-----x----6--------|

my heart chord IRWANSYAH FT ACHA SEPTRIASA – MY HEART (HEART) Intro Bm Bm Bm F#m VERSE (Male) Bm F# Di sini kau dan aku Bm7 Em Terbiasa bersama F# Bm Menjalani kasih sayang C#dim F# Bahagia ku denganmu V Chords for Irwansyah - My heart.

chord mltr paint my love IRWANSYAH FT ACHA SEPTRIASA – MY HEART (HEART) Intro Bm Bm Bm F#m VERSE (Male) Bm F# Di sini kau dan aku Bm7 Em Terbiasa bersama F# Bm Menjalani kasih sayang C#dim F# Bahagia ku denganmu V Bb you're fine for a while G# but you start to lose control.. Reff : D# he's there in the dark Bb he's there in my heart Cm he waits in the winds Gm he's

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