location unknown chord chord location unknown [Intro: Georgia] G* Am* Em* Travelling places I ain't seen you in ages C* But I hope you come back to me G* Am* My mind's running wild with you faraway Em* C* I still think of you a hundred Chord Location Unknown Travelling places I ain't seen you in ages But I hope you e back to me My mind's running wild with you faraway I
chord location unknown [Intro: Georgia] G* Am* Em* Travelling places I ain't seen you in ages C* But I hope you come back to me G* Am* My mind's running wild with you faraway Em* C* I still think of you a hundred tujuanjepangmembentukputera meristempadaujungakardanujungbatang tugaskader 1000000000wonberaparupiah tibetulusoy ri74 LOCATION UNKNOWN CHORD.
chord location unknown Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. chord gitar location unknown bca margomulyo Dec 15 2021 Simak chord gitar dan CHORD GITAR LOCATION UNKNOWN - Post-Chorus G Am Em I just need to know