dandelions chord dandelions chord Dandelions Chords - Free download as Word Doc (.doc / .docx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. The song is about being in a field of dandelions and wishing that the person they love would be theirs. Over multiple verses and choruses, the singer expresses how seeing and being with this person makes them feel truly happy and alive. They have heard that some loves only come once in a lifetime, and they are sure this person is that love of theirs. They see forever in the person's eyes and feel okay when seeing them smile. They wish and pray that one day this person will be theirs as they are blown away by the dandelions in the wind. 2 versions. Ruth B - Dandelions, chords, lyrics, video. Intro C Em G D x2 Verse 1 C Em G D Maybe its the way you say.
chord dandelions Aprende a tocar los acordes de Dandelions en Cifra Club. I'm in a field of dandelions Wishing on every one that you'll be mine, mine And I see Musisi asal Kanada, Ruth Berhe atau biasa dipanggil Ruth B melantunkan lagu Dandelions. Berikut ini kunci, Chord, dan lirik lagu Dandelions.
chord dandelions Dandelions and Ukulele Tabs: 100 pages, , ukulele tab, chord diagram, lined notebook paper, musician, songwriter book (pretty cover, floral, men, 4:05. Go to channel · Dandelions - Ruth B. | Fingerstyle Guitar | TAB + Chords + Lyrics