chord ldr chord bunga mawar merah Intro : Am G F.. Am G F.. Am G Em F.. Am G/B Em -F Bb C.. hmm mmm.. C yen aku wis kangen sliramu.. Am mesem neng ngimpiku sayang.. Bb yen aku kangen. Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.
chord bunga mawar merah Enjoy the videos and music that you love, upload original content and share it all with friends, family and the world on YouTube. Chord Raisa LDR - B A G#m G B A Ku teringat dalam lamunan G#m G Rasa sentuhan jemari tanganmu B A Ku teringat walau telah.
chord bunga mawar merah abg abogo channel #ldr dennycaknan #tutorialgitar #tutorialgitarmudah Em D feeling neng angenku mung kowe.. C G seng paling ngerteni aku.. Em D C D iso nompo kurange aku.. haaaaa.. Reff : C senajan mung suaramu.. D ngademke ati..