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chord widuri Intro : Am E E Am Am E E Am Am panonna alus, irung alus, biwir alus Am ditempo ti hareup ti gigir mani mulus Am Dm ngan hanjakal pisan.. Am kalakuan siga. Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.
chord cepu apaituauditinternal contohproposalpermohonandana biawakerekerek mimpiadakutunyarambut contohtujuanhidupsaya diagnosauapadalah CHORD DOEL SUMBANG RUNTAH. (Intro) Am E E Am Am E E Am.. Am panonna alus, Am irung alus, biwir alus Am ditempo ti hareup Am ti gigir mani mulus.. Dm ngan hanjakal pisan.. Am