Chord Gitar Alamate Anak Sholeh Denny 2024

chord alamate anak sholeh   chord komang c Simak chord gitar dan lirik lagu Alamate Anak Sholeh yang dipopulekan oleh Denny Caknan. Karaoke Sholawat Alamate Anak Sholeh Versi ai Khodijah Nada cowok Lirik Berjalan

chord lagu those eyes Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. Enjoy the videos and music that you love, upload original content and share it all with friends, family and the world on YouTube.

chord angin kencang Lihat Cara Tukar Chord/Key Dm alamate anak C sholeh iku papat Dm C A# bakdane mukmin anut A ing syariat Dm kang dihin lisane C alus ngendikane Dm C A# C Am Dm G Em Am Dm G C G C G Am isuk-isuk nyruput kopi G bablas metu nggo nggolek F Fm G rejeki.. rejeki.. C G Am wes pamitan anak bojo G F panas.

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