chord adele when we were young location unknown chord The bass walks down C to B on the record and just play the G# as a single note for effect. / Capo on 3rd. / [INTRO] / Am Em F C/E Dm7 C / [VERSE] / Am Em F C/E Everybody loves the things you Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.
chord adele when we were young Merek: chord adele when were young · chord adele when were young jawaban wow 998 Chords for Adele When We Were Young. download laporan keuangan tahunan Chord Kunci Gitar Terkait: Adele - When We Were Young · Adele - Don't You Remember · Adele
chord fiersa besari runtuh chord sudah disederhanakan biar lebih dasar dan mudah dimainkan. Capo di fret 3 (Intro) Am Em F Em Dm C Am Em everybody loves F the things you do. chord canda tawamu Chord Adele When we were young - Intro: Am Em F CE Dm C Am Em F CE Everybody loves the things you do Dm C From the way you talk to the way